Brian A. Thomas, PC
Practicing law in New Mexico since 1997, Brian is a formidable part of the legal community with a strong reputation for helping homeowners, small businesses, and solving problems efficiently.
Specializing in civil matters, often related to predatory lending, consumer rights, and individual constitutional rights.
◇ Valuing individual clients and small businesses, thriving on long-term relationships,
and creative, collaborative problem solving.
◇ Educating clients to empower them to succeed and thrive through taking agency and making decisions for their own betterment based on their own values.
◇ Contributing to justice beyond the courtroom, shedding light on social and economic issues, and confronting challenges faced by the community.
Known for his tenacity and legal acumen,
Brian demonstrates an unwavering commitment
to positively impacting the lives of his clients and community.
State Bar of New Mexico, 1997
University of New Mexico School of Law, J.D. 1997
University of New Mexico, B.A. Economics, 1994
U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico
U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit
“Throughout my career, educating and helping others
has been a constant.
I attribute this to my mother and grandmother, lifelong school teachers, who taught me the importance of service.”
“What I value most is the opportunity to build relationships
with clients that have lasted my entire career.”
Experiential expertise.
Jeffries & Rugge | Albuquerque, NM
2001 — 2008
◇ Represented individuals, businesses, and occasionally insurers, in litigated insurance claims, bad faith insurance claims, Cerro Grande Fire claims as well as preparation of substantial volume of legal opinions regarding unlitigated matters.
◇ Representations included litigation on behalf of insureds pressing claims against insurers, employment claims on behalf of employees and real estate matters.
Law Offices of Brian A. Thomas, P.C. | Albuquerque, NM
Founded 2008
◇ Focusing on outcomes, education and collaboration.
◇ Representing homeowners, consumers, and small businesses.
◇ Areas of practice include real estate, employment, probates and estates, and consumer protection.
◇ Solving real estate problems and offering residential and commercial foreclosure expertise.
◇ Providing expert witness testimony in the handling of foreclosure cases.
“I help those who do not have the skills, experience,
or ability, to advocate for themselves.”
Savvy advocacy.
Brian Thomas fights for the rights of marginalized and underserved communities and supports causes that align with his values.
New Mexico Foreclosure Process Task Force
2014 | Member
◇ Invited to participate as a consumer advocate in a legislatively created Foreclosure Process Task Force. After a year of investigation and work, the Task Force prepared a substantial report and proposed four different pieces of litigation.
◇ Assisted in writing and advocating for the Task Force’s recommended legislation throughout the legislative process and for several years thereafter.
Helping New Mexico Homeowners Foreclosure Fair
2012 | Lead Organizer
◇ An initiative aimed at educating consumers, breaking through communication deficits, and helping them to save their homes.
◇ Organized a four day event, hosted at the Law School over a long weekend during which 225 homeowners received training on four different subject matter areas, housing counseling, and had the opportunity to meet face to face with lenders.
◇ The team involved volunteer attorneys, law students, title companies, realtors, housing counselors, and over 50 staff from various banking institutions.
◇ An estimated 75 homes were saved as a result of the four day event.
Virtually Free CLE for Foreclosure Defense
2009 | Lead Organizer & Presenter
◇ Collaborated with United South Broadway Corporation and Daymon Ely to create a two day program to educate over 120 lawyers about foreclosure defense issues and strategies, and to align lawyers with potential mentor attorneys and pro bono clients.
◇ The program ultimately resulted in saving approximately 30 homes, representing, on a pro bono basis, approximately forty New Mexico families facing foreclosure.
Governor’s Task Force on Loan Originator Licensing
2008 | Member
◇ Invited to participate as a consumer representative in a year long effort negotiating, writing and lobbying for improved protections for consumers in regard to loan originator licensing, mortgage lending, fair lending, and to protect judicial remedies for homeowners in New Mexico.
◇ Served on two different legislative task forces, proposed legislation, and worked with legislators for over a decade. Proud to call many legislators friends.