A boutique litigation firm representing consumers, employees, and small businesses.
Crafting innovative yet practical solutions to legal issues and employing a strategic,
tailor-made approach to drive
the most favorable outcomes.
Areas of Practice
Education | Collaboration | Problem Solving
“While some legal circumstances - and the representations - are transitory, I am deeply proud of the opportunities
that I have had to help all sorts of businesses survive
their legal travails and to thrive thereafter.”
Real Estate
Expert Foreclosure Defense
I have represented hundreds of homeowners facing foreclosure and have helped save many homes.
I assess client goals relative to the market, the property, the debt, and the timing of circumstances to help clients effectively evaluate potential long term outcomes.
The challenge of successfully defending clients and their homes against opponents with unlimited resources, opponents that have written the rules of the game, is most gratifying.
Probates & Estates
Estate Planning & Trusts
I help individuals and families ensure that their assets and final wishes are properly managed and carried out in accordance with the law.
Sometimes this includes finding ways to get an element of closure in a somber moment.