Client-focused. Outcome-driven.

Empowering people to take agency and effect meaningful change.

A legal case is not a certainty.
It’s a range of outcomes.

Brian works to understand client interests and give a meaningful appraisal of risk in an uncertain process.

With his help, clients can make informed choices by effectively evaluating long term outcomes, assessing goals, and strategizing to reach those goals.

Education | Collaboration | Problem Solving


Online content can be unreliable and, oftentimes, unethical.

Brian’s top priority is educating clients regarding the factors, context, and legal background involved in their particular concern to provide a solid foundation from which options can be soundly weighed.


Increased awareness cultivates insightful decision making and positive action.

Together Brian and his clients examine the reasoning that leads to their goals and discuss the best way to accomplish a particular outcome in light of potential exposures.


Applying creative analysis and meticulous attention to detail.

Brian looks at the facets of potential responses from many angles to develop nuanced and flexible solutions to legal problems and planning.

Building trust and maintaining relationships
through simplicity and transparency.

No plan survives first contact with the enemy.

Understanding the motives of opposing forces is vital
to formulating successful, adaptive strategies.